Well the holidays came and went with all the usual fuss and fanfare. Chris worked tons of hours at Gamestop and I got a pt job at Fashion Bug. (We both still have our pt jobs) But we were able to go to the twin cities and watch one of those Christmas light shows. We've heard of a few houses doing this. They light their houses with strings of lights and other lighted decor. Then they use computers and equipment to line it up to blink in time to music. Most have a short term, short distance radio station they use to transmit the music. So very cool and so very fun.
Bad news comes in not in threes but tens.
Around Christmas is when the bad stuff started happening. And even in June it is still happening. My mom lost her job and a week later a friend of hers died. Then shortly after new years I lost a friend to a drunk driver. Not going into details but, hardhips hit everyone in my family. My father hurt his back and since February has been on workman's comp. I had a kidney stone in May. And let's hope the second half of the year gets better. I recently found out that I did in fact pass my stone. No surgery needed this time!
Better tidings
Through all that we did have some good things happen to us. In late February/early March we got a kitty from the Humane Society. (I was helping out there in the fall but stopped once I started at FB.) I had wanted a low key kitty that was loving and would let you pick it up anytime. I had originally wanted an older cat because they are more low key (and are harder to adopt out). When I told the staff there what I wanted they said, well we've got a perfect one for you but he's a year and a half. They showed us "Benny" and I fell in love. In fact he was the cat my brother saw when we walked in and had said, thats the cat for you before they showed him to me. I had seen him online on their website and I recognized him. Well he came home with us and we renamed him Pippin Underfoot. Mainly after the hobbit from LOTR because he's inquisitive, loving, not too bright and kinda klumsy!
Anniversary Watch
Backing up a couple of weeks we had our 1 year anniversary. The weeks before V-Day Mix 94.9 was having a contest. In 60 seconds you had to tell everyone why your man should win the grand prize. You also had to get JFKruse and Mi Famiglia in your speech. Grand prize was dinner at Mi Famiglia, movie tickets and a $400 watch from JFKruse. Second place was just the watch and third place was a beer mug and Pete the dj's mix tapes from high school. (Which I still wonder what was on there....)
Anyway I was one lucky caller and I got through. I had wrote down what I wanted to say and got in just under 60 seconds... literally I clocked in at 58 seconds. I had practiced to get it down that far!
What I had come up with was a fairytale of our life so far. Those going to the website would vote for their fave after listening to the audio clips.
Here's what I said:
"Once upon a time there was a fair maiden named Sheri. She had kissed her share of frogs and was only getting all the warts. One frog even took his mother to mi famiglia when they opened, but not her.
Along came a strong handsome knight, Chris. He had given up on finding love and was living the bachelor life.
Through mutual friends the two met and had their first date on Valentines Day.
They hit it off and Chris turned out to be Sheri’s prince. He showed her that nice guys do exist. He gave her love, respect and even a brand new camera to fulfill her biggest dream, to be a photographer.
He took her out to places she’d never been, even took her once to Mi Famiglia.
One day Chris said let’s go to JF Kruse. I know the people there and I want to get you the perfect ring!
But alas, money wasn’t plentiful, a ring would have to wait.
Soon a year will have gone by and the day of their first date will come and go. With your help Sheri can give Chris a memorable gift and a magical anniversary."
We did end up wining second place! First place was only a few votes away but I am glad we got what we did. I was able to give chris an awesome anniversary gift. Besides the Trivial Pursuit game and Star Trek Scene It. (Which I had already bought before Xmas!) Chris gave me a truly awesome gift. Although he gave me too many hints and I ended up guessing it. Season passes to Renfest!! YAY! Now we didn't have to worry about buying them in August.
Well, now it's been just under a year and a half. I hope to keep surprising him just as much as he surprises me. We know we're getting married but he has to ask still. But because we know our love is steady and unwavering we have already planned 75% of the wedding out. Now I just keep teasing him that I'll propose to him before he does to me. We'll see. *twinkle in my eye*
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